Seriously, this year is the year. I feel it!
The deal: Read at least 12 young adult and/or middle grade debut novels. The major change this year is the deadline extension to January 31, 2013.
I only know of two titles right now that I would like to read that meet this challenge: The Gathering Storm by Robin Bridges and Tempest by Julie Cross.
Off the Shelf 2012 hosted by Bookish Ardour

I definitely own more books than I have time to read. Then I get them from library and there's no time to read what is already lying around my house since library books have a due date. Hence, I have shelves ridiculously full of books that I have never read. That's why I am taking the Off the Shelf challenge. It is an opportunity to read those that are unread and neglected.
The deal: Choose a level (listed on the site) and read titles owned prior to Jan. 1, 2012. This includes print, ebooks and audio books, if you happen to own them. Anything acquired in 2012 doesn't count, since it hasn't had time to reach the neglected state.
Challenge Level: Trying - Read 15 books
I have no list for this. I'll grab things as I feel the desire.

The New Adult challenge attempts to bring to light titles that fill the gap between the teen years in high and midlife often portrayed in young adult and adult titles. "New Adult" encompasses post-high school teens and early twenty somethings learning to make a way in the world. Living in a college town, being aware of these titles will certainly come in handy during reader's advisory.
The deal: Protagonists should be no younger than 18 and no older than 30. If the protagonist spends the majority of his/her time in High School, that's YA. Post high school is New Adult. Choose a level and enjoy!
Challenge Level: Just Graduated - Read a minimum of 3 New Adult Books
Titles I've been holding off on reading that meet this challenge: Psych Major Syndrome by Alicia Thompson, An Off Year by Claire Zulkey, and Very LeFreak by Rachel Cohn.
Finally, I will once again try to read 100 books this year. I'm not officially signing up anywhere, just keeping it as a personal goal.
Anyone else taking any new and/or interesting challenges this year?
Thanks very much for joining my challenge, Jenn! Hope you find some wonderful reads along the way :)